Become consumers’ trusted source for skin know-how and power better skincare choices by providing a real-time assessment of their skin concerns enriched with AI-powered insights.
Deliver a complete full-face assessment of more than 18 different skin and face metrics and 120 sub-metrics with just one selfie.
With the easy-to-understand, customizable results and engaging AR overlay, you enable the most user-friendly experience.
Revieve’s proven AI skin diagnostics technology is backed by unique IP and trusted by the leading skincare brands and retailers.
Powered by highly developed deep learning technology and patented Computer Vision algorithms, Revieve’s Computer Vision engine enables the most robust, effective, and inclusive skin diagnostics experience even in non-optimal conditions.
The unparalleled accuracy and speed of the AI skin analysis meet the demanding industry standards, ensuring that consumers stay in the experience and engage with the results.
The CV engine automatically conducts advanced image condition analysis and normalizes the color and lightning balance to provide accurate results from mobile-quality images.
Revieve’s CV engine compares the selfie against a significant, diverse, and high-quality statistical image set to deeply understand how each metric compares against the overall population