Our newly launched playbook “The Complete Metaverse Playbook for Beauty Brands and Retailers: What You Can Do Now And Next ” aims to steer the hype into concrete and realistic actions to help guide a beauty brand and retailers’ steps into discovering this new world together - through collaboration.
What You Can Do Now And Next
If there’s one thing everyone is talking about today, it's the metaverse. Every single company wants in — yet the full metaverse potential is yet to be seen. So what exactly is the Metaverse, and should you jump on the Metaverse wagon?
Our newly launched playbook “The Complete Metaverse Playbook for Beauty Brands and Retailers: What You Can Do Now And Next ” aims to steer the hype into concrete and realistic actions to help guide a beauty brand and retailers’ steps into discovering this new world together - through collaboration.
Here's what you'll learn:
What is the Metaverse, and should you buy into the hype?
As metaverse talks become the centerpiece in any business discussion, one can easily succumb to the hype. While most people are still trying to comprehend exactly what the metaverse is, major tech players are betting their future on the promise of this new paradigm.
The State of The Metaverse Today
You have probably heard about Meta or seen images of the Metaverse, somewhere like The Sandbox or Decentraland. All these platforms were designed to provide an experience that spans technology platforms and the real world. But unless you’re an expert in this field, understanding how it may look like can be a little challenging, at least for now — and especially for consumers.
Unlocking a Brands' Full Virtual Potential
Beauty’s shift to the metaverse has already seen the likes of many brands dabble in its potential. This is a great moment for brands to experiment and explore so they can learn and develop the right strategies for an environment that is being developed and will continue to change very quickly. And as the technology evolves, brands will be able to provide even more immersive experiences, which is what the consumer is craving.
Setting up Metaverse Foundations
First and foremost, beauty brands and retailers have to get ready for what's next and develop a robust digital strategy for the metaverse. At Revieve, we've come up with a 6P's phase-process to help brands and retailers understand the foundations they should establish before jumping on the metaverse wagon.
Opportunities in the Metaverse for Beauty Brands and Retailers
At Revieve, we believe that the best way to win today and in the future is by never losing customers’ focus and understanding them before delivering to them.
You can leverage the Metaverse in present day to:
- Reach new audiences and revitalize your brand perception
- Deliver meaningful experiences that delight consumers
- Build trust with consumers through loyalty programs
- Deliver new virtual shopping experiences
- Increase accessibility to otherwise inaccessible brands

Building a Trusted Partner Ecosystem for the "Now" and Metaverse
With its unlimited possibilities and highly versatile ecosystem, the metaverse seems the perfect fit for the beauty industry. What this means for a beauty brand or retailer is that they have to be prepared to respond to consumer needs by establishing trusted relationships with leading technology, design, and research partners to deliver upon consumer expectations.